Rainy days

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February 12, 2014

I feel like I haven't really been in the 'zone' when it comes to blogging this year!
I made it a New Years resolution that I was going to try harder, but life just seems to be getting in the way.
But seeing as the rain is pouring down and I have contracted an unknown rash, I can't really leave the house. This is in my eyes that is something/someone telling me to blog (even though I should be doing school work, oops).
I haven't really got much to tell you, my life recently has been pretty average...
However, I have a lot of things planned in the next few weeks and hopefully you will be seeing that on this blog very soon.
So I thought I would quickly show you what I've been doing with my day considering I can't really leave the house.
For starters, I should be doing school work but I feel like I can quite safely say, that is over. Really what I have been doing is cwtching up (welsh term for cuddling up) on my bed reading Cosmo, with some candles burning, bliss...
Hopefully the weather will be getting better so I can do some more OOTD's. Recently I have been either working or in school so I dont have much spare time to go out, which means I don't really wear any other clothes than uniform, which sucks!! I have, however, been online shopping so hopefully a haul will be up asap!
Anyway, I should probably stop procrastinating and get on with my school work!
Adios Amigos,
Sophie xxx

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